Canada to Arizona Real Estate Info  


Where are the best deals?

This truly depends on what type of property you are looking for and how you will be using it.  There are plenty of excellent deals in every part of the Phoenix metro area.

After a tremendous downturn in the market, the last couple years have seen stability followed by appreciation.  Inventory levels have remained relatively low in 2013 and have created a seller's market.  Still, the for those looking in the upper end of the market, $500K or over will see enough inventory to find some deals.

The market downturn also caused a consolidation of new home builders.  New home construction is now rebounding and the effects of the downturn still hang around with a smaller contractor pool, so build times are longer.  But this remains a viable alternative for someone looking for a move in ready home without having to invest additional funds and time to renovate.


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