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how's the market


The Phoenix real estate market is still hot. Scottsdale real estate market? Hot. Southeast Valley real estate market?  You guessed it. Also hot.

There was an article in USA Today, today, that says the brakes were tapped on the market in the past month.  Nationwide sales were slightly off what they were for the month before.  But, it also stated that the overall market is still close to it's pinnacle of a few months ago.  This is all good news.  Most people ask if the market is going to crash.  Well, if it does a little slowing here and there that's good. Better to slow down than to crash. It keeps it honest. 

Properties are still being sold with multiple offers in many areas around Phoenix.  Don't worry if you've missed out.  There is still more to come.


Have a great night.

Adam Tarr and Sharon Kotula


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